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Gene expression vs behavioural variation

Expression of none of the genes I here examined correlated with any of the behavioural measures obtained (n = 14-32, rs ≤ ± 0.42, p > 0.58, table 1).

“Boldness NA” is the latency in seconds to a chick’s first step in a novel arena (n = 32, DRD1: nfemale = 14, nmale = 18), “Activity NA” is the number of transitions between sub-areas in a novel arena (n = 32, DRD1: nfemales = 14, nmales = 18), “Exploration NA” is the latency to explore all sub-areas of a novel arena (n = 32, DRD1: nfemales = 14, nmales = 18), “Boldness NO" is the chick’s latency in seconds to take a step after placing a novel object inside the arena (n = 32), “Activity NO” is the number of transitions between sub-areas in a novel arena test (n = 32), “Latency TI” is latency in seconds for a chick to stand up after tonic immobility had been induced (n = 31, DRD1: nfemales = 12, nmales = 19), “DRD1” and “DRD2” are dopaminergic receptors, “5HT1B,” “5HT2A,” “5HT2B” and “5HT2C” are serotonergic receptors, ”TPH” is a serotonin synthesizer. Spearman correlation coefficient (Rs) are presented. All p-values were non-significant after Bonferroni correction and are not presented. “|” indicate females and males were analyzed separately, with female values presented first.

Effect of Monoamine manipulation

Manipulation via oral treatment of Fluoxetine did not have any significat effect on any of the behaviours measured

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/14/21